Saturday, January 5, 2008

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul On Hemp

This is the second of a series of posts on presidential candidates and their positions on hemp found on webeo (web video).

Here's a few pieces we found on Congressman Dr. Ron Paul concerning hemp. Dr. Paul was the sponsor of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2007.

Dr. Paul should visit the USA Hemp Museum, and learn from the Museum's curator Richard M. Davis how hemp is the real change required to save our nation and the world. They can talk about how hemp is listed in the PDR Herbal edition as a herb that shrinks tumors and stops asthma attacks. This information should be in the speaking of all pro hemp candidates on a daily basis.

Richard's written one of those "Read this like your life depends on it, it does!" books called HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION which explains how to use hemp to solve the problem of global warming.

Here's a few of the webeos concerning Ron Paul and hemp.

Ron Paul interviewed on NORML (part 1 of 2)

Ron Paul interviewed on NORML (part 2 of 2)

Ron Paul on Medical Marijuana and Drug War

Ron Paul Blasts the War on Drugs

Ron Paul & Hemp for American Farmers

Ron Paul Talks About Hemp At Independence Mall In Philly

Hemp, the most powerful solution to our enviornmental, economic, medical and social problems we have. It's insane that hemp's illegal.

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