Monday, April 27, 2009

Give The White House Your Comments on Scientific Integrity & Hemp

President Barack Obama is again asking the American public for our comments. The last time we told him what we think we should do to solve our problems, end hemp prohibition and utilize the plant, he said he didn't know what that said about us.

Given that we don't care what that says about us as long as it is the truth, it is time again to TELL PRESIDENT OBAMA - LET OUR HEMP GO.

We've made nature illegal and wonder why we have a problem with the environment. Though hemp scrubs the air of excess CO2 as it grows, has a 6' root system that aerates soil, and can be easily grown in most environments it's still illegal.

We've made the peace pipe illegal and wonder why we have a problem with violence & war. Hemp is a natural plant that opens minds to greater, deeper solutions and promotes talking things through rather than fighting them out.

We've made hemp biofuel illegal to grow and wonder why we're on toxic energy. Hemp biofuel burns clean and hemp biomass can be used in many electric power plants.

We've made inexpensive hemp medicine illegal and wonder why Medicine, Inc. is one of the leading causes of death. The medical system is overworked. In 5,000 years of use, there is not one recorded death by hemp, other than murder by government.

We've made an easily renewable resource material, capable of making up to 50,000 products illegal and wonder why our economy is shattering. Presidents Washington and Jefferson were hemp farmers and Ben Franklin was a hemp paper merchant. Yet, we are slaves to toxic energy, building materials, paper making, etc.

The president says science will drive policy yet pretends not to know how many of our problems are caused by hemp prohibition. He is trying to solve things at the level of effect rather than dealing with the science, which leads to the cause issues of our problems. .

The science of hemp in undeniable and extensive. When Jack Herer wrote THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES he documented extensively the many uses of hemp. When Chris Conrad wrote HEMP: LIFELINE TO THE FUTURE he wrote a how to manual for hemp use. More than a decade later, Richard M. Davis, founder and curator of the USA Hemp Museum tried to put his hemp exhibits in one book. He's working on volume 5 of his HEMP FOR VICTORY series.


Here's the page and contact link. Happy, healthy hemp.

From the president's blog

"The memorandum requires the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to craft recommendations for Presidential action to ensure scientific integrity in the executive branch. We hereby seek public input to inform the drafting of those recommendations.

Comments from the public will help the OSTP determine what should be included in these recommendations. Over the next six posts on this blog, we will seek your comments, as they may pertain to each of the six different principles outlined in the memorandum. To provide some seeds for thought, we have asked one or two framing questions after each principle. Feel free to respond in other ways to the principle, or even to other comments. You may want to consult the Fact Sheet for the Memorandum before commenting.

This comment period will end on May 13th. Thank you in advance for your input.

Scientific Integrity: Comments on Principle (a)

Scientific Integrity: Comments on Principle (b)

Scientific Integrity: Comments on Principle (c)

Scientific Integrity: Comments on Principle (d)

Scientific Integrity: Comments on Principle (e)

Scientific Integrity: Comments on Principle (f)

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 at 9:33 pm and is filed under Requests for Comment, Scientific Integrity. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

On March 9, 2009, the President issued a memorandum for the heads of executive departments and agencies on the subject of scientific integrity, stating that “science and the scientific process must inform and guide decisions of my Administration on a wide range of issues.”


"Today, more than ever before, science holds the key to our survival as a planet and our security and prosperity as a nation. It’s time we once again put science at the top of our agenda and worked to restore America’s place as the world leader in science and technology." - President Barack Obama

  • Today, President Obama is signing a Presidential Memorandum on scientific integrity. This memorandum helps to implement one of the President’s key campaign commitments on science policy, which was to "restore scientific integrity in government decision making."
  • Science and technology are essential to achieving a broad range of national goals: driving economic growth and job creation; allowing Americans to live longer, healthier lives; developing clean sources of energy that reduce our dependence on foreign oil; protecting our environment for future generations of Americans; strengthening national and homeland security; and more.
  • Realizing the potential of science and technology to help achieve all of these goals requires that the Administration’s decisions about public policy be guided by the most accurate and objective scientific advice available. The public must be able to trust that advice, as well, and to be confident that public officials will not conceal or distort the scientific findings that are relevant to policy choices.
  • Accordingly, the President is assigning to the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) the responsibility of ensuring the highest level of integrity in all aspects of the executive branch’s involvement with scientific and technological issues.
  • Within 120 days, the Director of OSTP must develop a strategy for ensuring that:

- The selection of scientists and technology professionals for science and technology positions in the executive branch is based on those individuals’ scientific and technological knowledge, credentials, and experience;

- Agencies make available to the public the scientific or technological findings or conclusions considered or relied upon in policy decisions;

- Agencies use scientific and technological information that has been subject to well-established scientific processes such as peer review; and

- Agencies have appropriate rules and procedures to ensure the integrity of the scientific process within the agency, including whistleblower protection."


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