Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hemp For Victory: A Peaceful Solution To Gulf Oil Crisis

The Lord has a sense of humor, really. Turns out a plant that is now illegal holds the key to solving the oil crisis in the Gulf.
From what Willie Nelson calls A Peaceful Solution, nature's hemp plant, we have a full arsenal of tools in this weed's various grades of THC to fight this crisis in fields as vast as medical, industrial, environmental, economic and agricultural.

The potential consequences from this environmental crisis in the Gulf of Mexico and beyond are way too precise to ignore. 

Two important Time 4 Hemp shows, broadcast on the great  American Freedom Radio, the type that can save our lives, literally.  The Time4Hemp shows aired on Monday June 21 and Tuesday, June 22nd, each featuring one of two hemp heroes, Chris Conrad and Richard M. Davis . On the programs they discuss the environmental crisis in the Gulf and beyond with Casper Leitch, co-hosted by hemp humanitarian Joint Host: Kelly Kriston, owner of KDK Distributors on how hemp can help solve the problems.
Hemp is a no brainer in dealing with this oil crisis. Since the problem is too many toxins in the environment, the solution is to stop the inflow and clean up the mess.  The hemp plant has a multitude of applications to the problem of the oil industry messing up the Gulf of Mexico and the lives of her citizens. Consider hemp as the illegal solution. The good news is a simple Executive Order signed by the president ending hemp prohibition. As citizens we declare the need for this century's Hemp For Victory program, using the original as the program's nucleus.

How? Here's a few ways for openers?

Hemp medicine, which assists with respiratory and digestive problems helps deal with the toxic chemicals people are being exposed to like benzene and methane. 
Hemp is a wind pollinated plant that has a short growing season.  Hemp foods can help replace the whole in the food supply caused by not eating fish from the Gulf or possibly the east coast by the time hurricane season finishes. 

Hemp's environment benefits are deep as its up to 6' root system aerates soil and converts many toxins into wood. Hemp should be planted in all toxic areas to help clean the soil.

Hemp building materials are strong, i.e. hemp plastic is 10 times stronger than steel according to Henry Ford. A company that specializes is , a material that should be considered for use to plug up the underwater volcanoes.

Industrial hemp can help build homes in the event we have to relocate large populations on unused federal land because of  coastal cities rendered uninhabitable. An exciting hemp tool is concrete made from hemp.  A good site for more information and purchase is

We have 4 blog entries by the USA Hemp Museum, of initial ideas on how hemp can be applied to this oil spill (volcano).  The museum's founder and curator, Richard M. Davis. Davis is a leader of the groundswell of support for a new HEMP FOR VICTORY program based on the successful World War II program.

Below are a short series of research from the Museum, with much more to follow. Please add your thoughts as we re-institute the Hemp For Victory program.

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Plant hemp to help clean soil and air. Hemp's 6 foot root system aerates soil and was used in Chernobyl.

The Hemp Solution To The Oil Crisis In The Gulf

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Plug up the holes and cracks with hemp plastic and hempcrete. Use hemp fibers to clean up the oil.

Health Alert: Move Away From The Gulf of Mexico

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Benzene, methane and other toxic chemicals are in the air and water in the Gulf. Hemp medicine can help, yet, we still need to be moving large populations away from that toxic area.
An overview, the first piece of this research

Hemp Can Help With The Gulf Crater Plume Gassing

1 comment:

Ahana said...

Cannabis capsules help to reduce the pain caused by inflammation.