Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yes We Can Grow Our Way Out Of This Energy Crisis With Hemp

Hemp 4 Fuel - a roll-in from 'Time 4 Hemp'

Artist Statement From Youtube:

Added: October 11, 2006 (Less info)

"This is a segment from the film, 'The Billion Dollar Crop' created by John Birrenbach. It was used as a roll-in on the television series, 'Time 4 Hemp' hosted by Casper Leitch. To find out more about the first television series to ever focus on the topic of marijuana, check out where you can find over 80 free video and 100 free audio downloads. Time 4 Hempcable access © Casper Leitch - 1991 "

Text of webeo:

"Fuel. Hemp can also be used for the production of methanol.

According to World War II production rates of hemp per acre, we can produce the equivalent of 10 - 15 barrels of oil from one acre of hemp.

If we use the production rates that are in evidence in countries currently producing hemp, we could produce the equivalents of 20-30 barrels of oil per acre of hemp.

Can we fuel the nation with hemp?

The answer is YES!

According to United States Agricultural statistics, in the United States we have an excess of 950 million acres of farm land.

Of that land we planted in 1987 some 450 million acres.

This leaves some 450 to 500 million acres un-planted.

In order to produce the amount of methanol to fuel all of our transportation needs, we would need to plant some 12-34 million acres of hemp.

This would produce the biomass necessary to fuel our country."

Yes we can use hemp to grow our way out of our energy crisis. Though the piece above was from the early to mid 90's and the size of the nation has grown, we still have enough unused land to grow the hemp needed to both scrub the air of excess CO2 and provide a clean, easily renewable energy source.

Tell the politicians, we don't need no toxic energy. What we need is hemp to solve our energy crisis.

Hemp is nature's way to remove the oil from the land and change it into useful items like energy. Our greed got the best of us and we pulled the oil at a rate faster than natural. The result, global warming.

Hemp is a biomass champion that is 4 times more efficient than corn as biofuel.

Hemp energy pellets burn clean as biomass to fuel the nation's electric plants.

For more information on hemp please visit the USA Hemp Museum,, a private museum with a virtual wing. Richard M. Davis is the museum's founder and curator and he has a book called HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION.

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