Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hemp, A Great Renewable Energy

The USA Hemp Museum gives thanks to Senator Barack Obama for this great speech on renewable energy. Senator Obama is in tune with modern times as demonstrated by his sponsorship of an Industrial Hemp bill when he was a state senator.

It's time for us to put hemp more into our conversation. Like the Hemp For Victory program, hemp can help us solve our problems now.

We need a new test for energy we use. Is it clean? Is is non-toxic, environmentally supportive? Is is economically empowering? Oil, nuclear and coal energies fail those tests. Hemp biofuel, solar, wind, hydro, magnetic and other free and non toxic energy sources pass the test. It's a simple shift to the same energy sources that power the universe.

Hemp is a biomass champion as a renewable energy. Anything toxic oil can do, hemp seed oil can do better. A flex-fuel conversion kit on a vehicle would allow a quick transfer off of toxic energy. The change could be done within a year if the product flow is coordinated. The same companies that are selling us products that are killing us, can enter into the more profitable renewable energy market and make money without the high energy transportation costs.

Hemp pellets can be used to produce electricity. California has many power plants ready to burn hemp, it's just illegal to grow in the United States.

Hemp is four times more efficient than corn as biofuel. Though hemp is also an excellent food source, using hemp as part of a coordinated energy policy for fuel would not impact on the cost of other products.

Hemp can grow up to 4 crops a year and grows indoors and out.

Hemp can help heal the damages of global warming caused by too much CO2 in the air, regardless of the source. Hemp breathes in excess CO2 as it grows and turns that material into a raw resource that can be made into over 50,000 products. We're proposing at least 10% of unused federal land be granted to family farmers financed out of the Department of Agriculture to engage in large scale coordinated government.


For more information on how hemp can help us solve our problems please visit the USA Hemp Museum, a private museum with a virtual wing, Richard M. Davis, founder, curator and author of the powerful, insightful book, HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION.

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